At each appointment, your blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate and weight will be checked. You will have a urine evaluation and fundal height will be measured. We will listen to fetal heart tones and you will be able to ask any questions or concerns that you may have.
1st Trimester (1-12 weeks)
- 10-12 weeks: first appointment
- Review of health history
- Physical examination including pap smear, pelvic exam, and breast exam
- Laboratory testing to include complete blood count, blood type, Hepatitis B, HIV, RPR, rubella antibody, GC, and chlamydia culture
- Ultrasound for early dating
2nd Trimester (13-28 weeks)
- 15-18 weeks: optional down syndrome screening
- 20 weeks: an ultrasound to look at baby growth and development
- 27-28 weeks: screening for gestational diabetes and anemia
- Ultrasound for anatomy
- Childbirth classes should be taken. To schedule, call Lexington Regional Health Center at (308) 324-8308
3rd Trimester (29-40 weeks)
- 36 weeks: group B strep vaginal swab and tetanus vaccine
- Tour of the hospital
- Flu Vaccine (October through March)
Pregnancy past 40 weeks
If pregnancy extends past 40 weeks, you will continue to see your provider weekly. A non-stress test may be ordered at every appointment to assess the well-being of your baby. Delivery options will be discussed, including caesarean, if necessary. If there is any concern of the baby’s and mother’s well-being, or if pregnancy reaches 42 weeks, delivery will be required.
Additional Information
- Prenatal vitamins should be taken.
- Tylenol, Sudafed, and Robitussin are okay to be taken as directed.
- Other medications or supplements, whether over-the-counter or prescription, should be discussed with your provider before use.
- NO smoking or changing of cat litter boxes.
- Avoid caffeine, hot tubs/saunas and harmful chemicals.