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Financial Assistance

No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay.

There is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income.

Charity Care Application English

Please print completed form and mail or deliver to:
Lexington Regional Health Center
c/o Business Office
PO Box 980
Lexington, NE 68850

Solicitud de Beneficencía

Por favor llene esta forma con letra de imprenta y enviela por correco o entreguela en:
Lexington Regional Health Center
c/o Officina de Negocios
PO Box 980
Lexington, NE 68850

Lexington Regional Health Center determines “standard charges” for patient services with the use of a chargemaster system.  Below, utilizing the price transparency link, you will find a list of charges for the components of patient care that could possibly be included in a patient bill.   These are baseline rates for service provided at our facility but they DO NOT reflect the final price that patients or insurance companies typically pay.  Insurance plans, such as Medicare and Medicaid do not accept these rates, rather, they set their own rates, which the hospital is obligated to accept.  Commercial insurance plans are based on contract negotiations with the individual insurance plan and typically do not reflect the standard charges in the chargemaster.  The chargemaster system and hospital pricing can be very complex and confusing.   This list is effective January 1, 2019 and is subject to change without notice.  We encourage you to contact Patient Accounts if you have any questions regarding charges for hospital services.

Price Transparency Consumer Display

Price Transparency Machine Readable File

Financial Assistance Policy

No Surprise Act Disclosure

Good Faith Estimate

Transparency in Coverage

Covid-19 Diagnostic Testing


Please call (308) 324-5651 if you have any questions.