Our rehabilitation team has each chosen a quote of something they are passionate about that relates to their roles in rehabilitation services. Read along to meet our rehab team and see what inspires them to provide outstanding care!
“Communication is more than just words.”
Communication can be both verbal and nonverbal. You can learn a lot about what a child or adult needs based on their behavior. Children with language delays often communicate first with signs or gestures before they are able to communicate with words. Watching and listening to what your child is trying to communicate is important for their success both socially and emotionally. The same can be said for adults having trouble communicating that may have aphasia or anomia. We encourage caretakers to watch nonverbal behaviors that may tell them more about what their loved one may need.
Bailey Irwin and Brooke Busboom have both been Speech Language Pathologists for four years. Bailey has been with LRHC for four years and Brooke has been with LRHC for one year. Bailey and Brooke both enjoy working with a wide range of patients including pediatrics through geriatrics. Bailey is FEES trained and Brooke is working toward VitalStim training.