Our rehabilitation team has each chosen a quote of something they are passionate about that relates to their roles in rehabilitation services. Read along to meet our rehab team and see what inspires them to provide outstanding care!
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for the child, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”
– Fred Rogers
Occupational therapy’s focus is to help people do the things they need to do and want to do. For children, the biggest thing they need to do and want to do is play. Through pediatric occupational therapy, we assist in helping children to be able to build the skills required for play. We can focus on skills including ensuring their arms are able to reach for a stuffed animal, strong enough to lift a ball, pay attention long enough to play a full game with friends, and have a regulated sensory system to enjoy playing by themselves or with others.
The Lexington Regional Health Center Rehabilitation Department features space and equipment for children of all ages to build the skills they need to excel. We feature a pediatric gym, private treatment rooms, and aquatic center that can be used in conjunction with a variety of toys to help them grow and develop to reach their goals.