Speech Therapy
Our Speech-Language Pathology department works with patients to provide patient care and education in the evaluation, treatment and management of patients with a variety of disorders of speech, language, voice, swallowing, cognition, and memory. The speech therapist will work with you to develop a treatment and management plan that focuses on functional and reliable communication for you regardless of age or disorder.
If your child has difficulty communicating, the speech therapist may be able to help with the following:
- Promote appropriate articulation of sounds and understanding of language
- Using assistive communication devices
- Teaching skills for communicating wants and needs
- Promoting turn taking and conversational discourse
- Promoting fluent speech
- Supporting and working to improve memory and attention deficits
- Stimulating language development
If you or a loved one has difficulty with communication, swallowing or if you have any of the following conditions, speech therapy may be able to help.
- Neurological conditions such as stroke, cerebral palsy, dementia, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or parkinson’s
- Swallowing disorders (difficulty chewing or swallowing certain food/drink)
- Difficulty with precise speech sounds
- Difficulty word-finding, or often being unable to think of a word in conversation
- Poor vocal quality
- Difficulty projecting voice loud enough for other to hear
- Difficulty with cognitive tasks
- Difficulty with with communication and swallowing post laryngectomy
We are now offering Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES). This procedure, done by a qualified Speech Therapist, investigates what happens when you swallow. The therapist will be able to determine if food, liquid or medications are going down the wrong way or getting stuck anywhere when you swallow.
To learn what you can do to promote language development in children at home please click here.
Brooke Busboom
Bailey Irwin